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7680 Goddard St.
Suite 200
Colorado Springs CO 80920
Phone: (719) 260-7080
Fax: (719) 260-8223
Editor: Rick Christian
Before submitting to Alive Communications, Inc.
The Market List recommends you verify the query and/or submission guidelines for each literary agent and literary agency before sending a query or submitting your manuscript. Most agencies require a completed manuscript prior to queries or submissions. Review and verify the agency requirements for working with new or unpublished writers as well as their specific areas of interest. |
If you have recently submitted to Alive Communications, Inc. or have experience with a specific agent, please submit a comment below.
Founded in 1989, Alive Communications is the nation’s largest literary agency representing faith-based and inspirational authors. More than a dozen books represented by Alive Communications have been No. 1 on the New York Times bestseller list, and combined sales of books negotiated by Alive agents exceed 150 million copies. Note that Alive Communications works primarily with established, successful authors but is always looking for a breakout author with real talent.
Market Types Represented:Fiction, Nonfiction
Primary Contact/s: Rick Christian
Email: submissions@alivecom.com
Accepts: Christian living, contemporary issues, crime, historical, how-to, humor, inspirational, literary, mainstream, mystery, parenting, personal improvement, religious, self-help, women's issues
Web Address: www.alivecommunications.com
Click here for complete guidelines