216 E. 75th St., Suite 1E
New York NY 10021
Phone: (212) 794-1082
Contact: Jean Naggar
Before submitting to Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency, Inc.
The Market List recommends you verify the query and/or submission guidelines for each literary agent and literary agency before sending a query or submitting your manuscript. Most agencies require a completed manuscript prior to queries or submissions. Review and verify the agency requirements for working with new or unpublished writers as well as their specific areas of interest. |
If you have recently submitted to Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency, Inc. or have experience with a specific agent, please submit a comment below.
Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency was founded in 1978. The agency's list includes award-winning writers from every genre whose books have been published in over 50 countries; showcased in film, in television, and on stage; featured in short story anthologies, magazines, and webzines; and adapted for audio and e-book publications. The agency specializes in mainstream fiction and nonfiction and literary fiction with commercial potential.
Market Types Represented:Fiction, Non-fiction
Primary Contacts: Jennifer Weltz, Jessica Regel, Alice Tasman, Elizabeth Evans
Email: jweltz@jvnla.com; jregel@jvnla.com; atasman@jvnla.com
Accepts: Action, adventure, biography, child guidance, crime, detective, current affairs, ethnic, family saga, feminist, government, health, historical fiction, history, juvenile non-fiction, law, literary fiction, mainstream fiction, medicine, memoirs, New Age, parenting, politics, psychology, self-help, sociology, supernatural, suspense, thriller, travel, women's issues, women's studies
Web Address: www.jvnla.com
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