Classifieds » Other » Barnyard Horror

Classifieds » Other » Barnyard Horror

Barnyard Horror


Barnyard Horror

What if pigs really could fly . . . with bloody snouts and a taste for human flesh? Or chickens developed a murderous hive-mind? And then there is Old McDonald and his brood of demented children. This anthology approaches horror from the scenic landscape of farms. What is really in that barn? What else gets plowed? Or planted? Barnyard Horror will deliver a harvest of poetry, flash fiction, horror art and short stories not soon forgotten, even if the reader wants to do so. So let us get to planting!


This work will appear in print and electronic formats. All contributors will receive a free copy of the Smashwords edition. In addition, two authors or artists will receive $25 each for “Best Of,” to be decided by the editor. Open until filled.


Send work to, with Barnyard Horror, author’s name, and title in the subject line—in that order. Work should be submitted as a Word or RTF document. Please: no headers, footers or page numbers. Times New Roman or Georgia are preferred fonts. Art submitted should be high resolution grayscale.