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Next year is going to be an exciting time as the nation prepares to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The interment of America's Unknown from the Great War took place on November 11, 1921, the second anniversary of the armistice and one year after the British and French had buried their own Unknown Soldier. My name is Philip Bigler. I was the historian at Arlington National Cemetery from 1983-1985 and worked on the burial of the Vietnam Unknown Serviceman in 1984. I returned to teaching in 1985 and the following year published In Honored Glory: Arlington National Cemetery, the Final Post. That book is still in print having gone through four editions and 23 printings. I have now written ten books on history and education. My most recent book is entitled Tomb of the Unknown Soldier: A Century of Honor, 1921-2021 and is available in both soft and hard cover editions.