Submissions should be made at
Before submitting to Chicken Soup For The Soul
The Market List recommends you verify the market is active and accepting submissions before sending your manuscript via regular mail. You may verify a market status by either visiting their website, calling their listed phone number, or comfirming via regular mail that the market is still active before sending them your work. |
If you have recently submitted to Chicken Soup For The Soul or have experience with this market, please submit a comment below. Recent submission response times are always welcome and helpful to other writers.
A Chicken Soup for the Soul story is an inspirational, true story about ordinary people having extraordinary experiences.
Guidelines for a Chicken Soup for the Soul story
1. Tell an exciting, heartwarming or funny story about something that has happened to you or someone you know. Your story should be written in the first person and should be about yourself or someone close to you.
2. Tell your story in a way that will make the reader cry, laugh, get goose bumps or say “Wow!”
3. The story should start “in the action” and draw in the reader. Do not start your story with an introduction about what you are going to say, or end with a concluding paragraph about what you just said.
4. Don’t be afraid to speak from the heart. Many people tell personal stories for the first time in our books, and they find it to be a cathartic and productive experience. We do let you use a pen name for your story if you do not want to use your real name.
5. Don’t try fancy moves with tenses. Writing in the present tense about something that happened in the past rarely works.
5. Keep your story to 1200 words or less. Tighten, tighten, tighten!
6. Your story must be true. No fiction, no creative writing.
Market Type: Books
Accepts: Anecdotes, Facts, Humor
Web Address:
Click Here for Complete Submission Guidelines
Updated August 6, 2020