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Each agent has his/her own guidelines. Please see the agency website for details.
1029 Jones Street
San Francisco CA 94109
Phone: (415) 673-0939
Contact: Michael Larsen, Elizabeth Pomada
Before submitting to Michael Larsen - Elizabeth Pomada Literary Agents
The Market List recommends you verify the query and/or submission guidelines for each literary agent and literary agency before sending a query or submitting your manuscript. Most agencies require a completed manuscript prior to queries or submissions. Review and verify the agency requirements for working with new or unpublished writers as well as their specific areas of interest.
If you have recently submitted to this literary agency or have experience with a specific agent, please submit a comment below.
To receive the best treatment from an agent and editor, your manuscript should look like it's worth the advance you want for it.
Because we receive a few thousand submissions a year and because we may be away when your submission arrives, please allow eight weeks and mailing time for a response.
Market Types Represented: Non-fiction books, novels
Agency Terms: Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales (30% for Asia).
Email: larsenpoma@aol.com
Accepts: Adventure, Anthropology, Art, Biography, Business, Chick Lit, Current Affairs, Detective, Ethnic, Feminist, Film, Food, Futurism, Gay, Glitz, Health, History, Humor, Literary, Mainstream, Memoirs, Money, Music, Mystery, Nature, Paranormal Adventure, Popular Culture, Psychology, Romance, Science, Sociology, Sports, Travel
Web Address: www.larsen-pomada.com