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Before submitting to Michael O'Mara Books Ltd.
The Market List recommends you verify the market is active and accepting submissions before sending your manuscript via regular mail. You may verify a market status by either visiting their website, calling their listed phone number, or comfirming via regular mail that the market is still active before sending them your work. To be sure your submission is appropriate for this market, we recommend you familiarize yourself with Michael O'Mara Books Ltd. by reading a sample issue before submitting. |
If you have recently submitted to Michael O'Mara Books Ltd. or have experience with this market, please submit a comment below. Recent submission response times are always welcome and helpful to other writers.
Submissions of non-fiction ideas are welcome from authors, compilers and illustrators. However, we do not accept fiction submissions. Synopses and sample text are preferred to full typescripts.
We are always open to hearing about new and wonderful ideas. But before you submit your idea or art to Michael O’Mara Books, please familiarise yourself with our titles.
Market Type: Book
Email: enquiries@mombooks.com
Accepts: Autobiography, biography, humor, reference
Web Address: www.mombooks.com
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