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Submissions should be emailed to jess@browerliterary.com
Before submitting to Jess Dallow
The Market List recommends you verify the query and/or submission guidelines for each literary agent and literary agency before sending a query or submitting your manuscript. Most agencies require a completed manuscript prior to queries or submissions. Review and verify the agency requirements for working with new or unpublished writers as well as their specific areas of interest. |
If you have recently submitted to Jess Dallow, please submit a comment below.
Jess Dallow is a literary agent with Brower Literary & Management, representing Young Adult, Adult, and select nonfiction.
Market Types Represented: Commercial Fiction, General Fiction, LGBTQ, Mystery, Romance, Thriller, Women’s Fiction, Young Adult Fiction, Cookbooks, Pop Culture, Psychology, True Crime
Email: jess@browerliterary.com
Accepts: Commercial, General, LGBTQ, Mystery, Romance, Thriller, Women’s Fiction, Young Adult, Cookbooks, Pop Culture, Psychology, True Crime
Web Address: browerliterary.com
Click here for complete guidelines