All Categories
1342 18th Street, San Pedro, CA 90732
Lois Winston, Literary Agent
1342 18th Street
San Pedro, CA 90732
Romance, Women's Fiction, Mystery
220 East 23rd Street, 11th floor, New York, NY 10010
Loretta Barrett, Literary Agent
220 East 23rd Street, 11th floor
New York, NY 10010
Literary Fiction, Mystery, Commercial Fiction, Women's Fiction, Romance, Family Saga, Thrillers/Suspense, Multi-Cultural, Biography, Religion, Multi-Cultural, Self-Help,... moreLoretta Barrett, Literary Agent
220 East 23rd Street, 11th floor
New York, NY 10010
Literary Fiction, Mystery, Commercial Fiction, Women's Fiction, Romance, Family Saga, Thrillers/Suspense, Multi-Cultural, Biography, Religion, Multi-Cultural, Self-Help, Memoirs, Spirituality, Current Affairs, Women's Issues, Narrative, Psychology, Health & Fitness, Cultural/Social Issues
Lori Galvin, Literary Agent
Aevitas Creative Management
19 West 21st St, Ste 501
New York, NY 10010
5800 Arlington Avenue, Riverdale, NY 10471
Lori Perkins, Literary Agent
5800 Arlington Avenue
Riverdale, NY 10471
Gay, Lesbian, Women's Fiction, Erotica
Louise Fury, Literary Agent
Adventure, Horror, Young Adult, Middle Grade, Romance, Humor, Pop Culture
New York City Satellite Office, New York, NY
Lucienne Diver, Literary Agent
New York City Satellite Office
New York, NY
708 Third Avenue, 23rd floor, New York, NY 10017
Lucy Childs, Literary Agent
708 Third Avenue, 23rd floor
New York, NY 10017
Women's Fiction, Romance, Commercial Fiction, Mystery, Narrative
Lynnette Novak, Literary Agent
The Seymour Agency
475 Miner St. Rd.
Canton, NY 13617
Mackenzie Brady Watson, Literary Agent
Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency, Inc.
6 East 39th Street, Suite 500
New York, NY 10016
Madeleine Milburn, Literary Agent
Madeleine Milburn Literary Agency
The Factory
1 Park Hill
London SW4 9NS
Maggie Kane, Literary Agent
Irene Goodman Literary Agency
27 West 24th St., Suite 804
New York, NY 10010
Mandy Hubbard, Literary Agent
Emerald City Literary Agency
65 Bleecker Street, New York, NY 10012
Manual Stoeckl, Literary Agent
65 Bleecker Street
New York, NY 10012
Marcy Posner, Literary Agent
Women's Fiction, Mystery, Romance, Fantasy, Young Adult, Health, Fitness, Biography, Spirituality, History, Business, Finance
7744 Fay Avenue, Suite 201, La Jolla, CA 92037
Margret McBride, Literary Agent
7744 Fay Avenue, Suite 201
La Jolla, CA 92037
Business, Self-Help, Commercial Fiction
1270 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 2320, New York, NY 10020
Maria Carvainis, Literary Agent
1270 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 2320
New York, NY 10020
Literary Fiction, Mystery, Commercial Fiction, Women's Fiction, Romance, Historical Fiction, Young Adult, Thrillers/Suspense, Multi-Cultural, Biography, Science,... moreMaria Carvainis, Literary Agent
1270 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 2320
New York, NY 10020
Literary Fiction, Mystery, Commercial Fiction, Women's Fiction, Romance, Historical Fiction, Young Adult, Thrillers/Suspense, Multi-Cultural, Biography, Science, Cookbooks, Memoirs, Travel, Business, Women's Issues, Psychology, Gardening
80 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1101, New York, NY 10011
Maria Massie, Literary Agent
80 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1101
New York, NY 10011
Women's Fiction, Commercial Fiction, Narrative, Memoirs, History
Maria Ribas, Literary Agent
Stonesong Literary Agency
270 West 39th Street #201
New York, NY 10018
Maria Rogers, Literary Agent
The Tobias Literary Agency
Maria Vicente, Literary Agent
P.S. Literary Agency
2010 Winston Park Drive, 2nd Floor
Oakville, Ontario