Writing Tips Articles

  • If You're a Writer, Writing IS Your "Real" Job

    Regardless of the field you’re in, distractions are an issue to anyone who works independently. Successful writers know that in order to keep producing high-quality, consistent work, they need to apply themselves every day - and not just to ...
  • Developing Your Book Topic and Getting The Writing Done

    Write about what you know takes on new meaning when you're trying to narrow down all of your book ideas into one that will be worth it, and marketable. Though the ideas may come from all over and flow easily, you'll need to develop the ability to pus...
  • Writing a Book Review

    The main thing to remember when you're writing a book review is that it is meant to be a critical evaluation, a commentary on your own opinion that offers an argument. A very brief summary is included of course, but only to give the reader th...
  • Writing Dialogue ~ Is 'He Said/She Said' Enough?

    Although we're not likely to enjoy hearing this, dialogue may be the single most important aspect of any novel. Most editors will go directly to a dialogue portion of your manuscript before reading anything else. This is because the dialogue in...
  • 10 Writing Tips to Get You to “The End”

    Feeling like you'll never finish your book? Take heart and read on...
  • How Google Alerts Can Help You Build an Organic Web Presence

    In the ongoing quest for connections, readers, and book buyers, authors need to be aware of the online tools that can help them build a solid web presence. One that is based on more than the foundation (though solid enough) of content alone. Co...
  • Writing Tips for Fiction Authors

    We can imagine that it goes without saying that in order to be a great writer you need to be a great reader. Yet there are countless authors who have offered this advice and countless writers who have ignored it. Whatever genre you're in, read ...
  • The Best Software for Writing a Kindle Book

    You have a great idea for a Kindle book, and no idea how to organize your thoughts and get them into a format that is Ebook-friendly. While you will still need to go through Amazon's upload process and have your book in the correct PRC format to do so,...
  • Popular Facebook Groups and Pages for Writers

    If you're a writer and have a Facebook profile, chances are good that you're already a member of at least one writer's group. Facebook offers writers the benefit of being able to join several different groups all in one place. If you have more than one...
  • Copywriting – A Very Brief Summary

    What is copywriting?
    Copywriting involves any and all of the words that you read that pertain to selling, promoting, educating, and informing. It's not enough to be great at selling. As a copywriter you have to be able to inform your readers while pe...

