
Deborah Smith commented on Patricia Ross's article: Hi Patricia, just wanted to say thanks for the insight. I've had a song published and had two articles published on a blogsite, as well as two newspaper articles. Although it was a big deal to me, personal validation, it wasn't like I made money....ok, I... moreHi Patricia, just wanted to say thanks for the insight. I've had a song published and had two articles published on a blogsite, as well as two newspaper articles. Although it was a big deal to me, personal validation, it wasn't like I made money....ok, I received royalties on the song for awhile but never on the articles. I've never considered writing for a living, although I don't know why as I've written all my life....I guess, as your article implies, most of think we need all this experience under our belt before anyone would consider hiring us or paying for our work/fun. So, question...after you've begun to write and realize that this is do-able and are doggedly determined to get the ball rolling....well, what other tidbits can you offer? Like, what program works best for writers. I saw some mention of WORDPRESS? Also, is there an email provider that is more common or more trusted? I thought since you seem so willing to offer advice....and thank you so very much,...that I'd try to pick your brain a little more. Pick, Pick, Pick Hope you don't mind. less
Deborah Smith Hi...just trying to feel my way around this site...wondering if anyone critiques articles? I've found some enlightening information although I might need someone to explain some of the computer lingo. Is there a class dealing with the in and outs of... moreHi...just trying to feel my way around this site...wondering if anyone critiques articles? I've found some enlightening information although I might need someone to explain some of the computer lingo. Is there a class dealing with the in and outs of cyber writing/blogging? Help?!?
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February 20, 1959
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I have written all my life....songs, poetry and short stories. I am now actively seeking affirmation and ... a paycheck wouldn't hurt my feelings one bit...lol. I'm a married grandmother of 12 raising a 9 year old grandson. I have too much time on my hands and too much on my mind....I must write.