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  • Posted by Admin - December 10, 2012 - 3,327 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Broken Pencil is a quarterly magazine devoted to underground culture.
  • Posted by Admin - August 5, 2020 - 7,167 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    National Geographic Magazine submission guidelines and market information
  • Posted by Admin - September 25, 2020 - 1,367 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Peer is a Salvation Army youth publication for 16 to 22 year-olds.
  • Posted by Admin - August 4, 2020 - 14,721 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Rolling Stone submission guidelines and market information
  • Posted by Admin - August 5, 2020 - 7,717 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Vibe submission guidelines and market information