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Laconia, NH
GUD is a semiannual magazine featuring literary and genre fiction, poetry, and art.
New York, NY
Harold Ober Associates submission guidelines and market information
New York, NY
Harold Schmidt Literary Agency submission guidelines and market information
Melbourne, Australia
Hinkler is an international publisher and packager of non-fiction books for children and adults.
Ward Cove, AK
His Work Christian Publishing produces Christian fiction, non-fiction, poetry, inspirational, children's and young adult books.
Titusville, NJ
Hopewell Publications prints fiction and non-fiction, specializing in reprints and occasional new titles.
Brooklyn, NY
Howard Morhaim Literary Agency, Inc. submission guidelines and market information
Jerusalem, Israel
Ibis Editions is a small press that publishes books of poetry and belletristic prose related to the Levant.
San Diego, CA
IDW Publishing produces a wide range of comic books and graphic novels, including titles developed for film and television.
Spokane, WA
Ilium Press publishes epic poetry, sagas, literary and historical novels, and how-to non-fiction.
Banner Elk, NC
Ingalls Publishing Group publishes Appalachian regional and historical novels, murder mysteries, romantic suspense and memoir focusing on and written by authors residing in the southeastern United States.
New York, NY
Jane Rotrosen Agency was founded in 1974 and is best known for representing writers of commercial fiction. The agency also represents authors of memoirs, narrative and prescriptive non-fiction.
New York, NY
Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency was founded in 1978. The agency's list includes award-winning writers in every genre whose books have been published in over 50 countries; showcased in film, in television, and on stage; featured in short story anthologies,... moreJean V. Naggar Literary Agency was founded in 1978. The agency's list includes award-winning writers in every genre whose books have been published in over 50 countries; showcased in film, in television, and on stage; featured in short story anthologies, magazines, and webzines; and adapted for audio and e-book publications.
Accord, NY
Jewish Currents is a bimonthly magazine featuring independent journalism, political commentary, and Jewish literature, art and poetry.
La Jolla, CA
Jodie Rhodes Literary Agency submission guidelines and market information
La Jolla, CA
Jodie Rhodes Literary agency was founded in 1998 for the purpose of representing unknown first time writers. Writers Digest named Jodie Rhodes one of the top 25 literary agents in the U.S. who accepts new writers.
Winston-Salem, NC
John F. Blair, Publisher, specializes in non-fiction books about the Southeast United States.
New York, NY
John Hawkins & Associates, Inc. submission guidelines and market information
Grimes, IA
Jupiter Gardens Press publishes fiction and nonfiction under three imprints: Jupiter Gardens Press, for fiction and non-fiction about alternative spirituality or new age concepts; Jupiter Storm, for young adults; and Pink Petal Books, for romance in all forms.
New York, NY
Knox Robinson Publishing, established in 2010, publishes historical fiction, historical romance and fantasy titles.