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  • Posted by Admin - October 18, 2012 - 2,552 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Overland Park, KS
    Hadley Rille Books publishes fantasy, science fiction with a strong archeology theme, and "archeologically correct" short novels. Hadley Rille publishes well-known writers as well as new and emerging authors.
  • Posted by Admin - November 13, 2011 - 2,740 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Hadrosaur Tales submission guidelines and market information
  • Posted by Admin - November 9, 2012 - 3,886 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Montclair, NJ
    Hal Leonard Books, established in 1984, publishes books on the music business, audio technology, instrument history, and more.
  • Posted by Admin - November 13, 2011 - 2,594 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Half Halt Press, Inc. submission guidelines and market information
  • Posted by Admin - November 13, 2011 - 2,344 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Hambledon and London submission guidelines and market information
  • Posted by Admin - November 13, 2011 - 10,343 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Hampton Roads Publishing Co., Inc. submission guidelines and market information
  • Posted by Admin - November 13, 2011 - 2,627 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Hampton Roads Shield submission guidelines and market information
  • Posted by Admin - November 13, 2011 - 2,661 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Hancock House Publishers submission guidelines and market information
  • Posted by Admin - April 28, 2020 - 901 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Hannah VanVels, Literary Agent
    Corvisiero Literary Agency
    1001 Avenue of the Americas
    12th Floor
    New York, NY 10018
  • Posted by Admin - November 13, 2011 - 2,107 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Hanser Publications submission guidelines and market information
  • Posted by Admin - November 13, 2011 - 3,949 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Happy submission guidelines and market information
  • Posted by Admin - November 13, 2011 - 4,308 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Harbor House submission guidelines and market information
  • Posted by Admin - November 13, 2011 - 2,225 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Harbor Press submission guidelines and market information
  • Posted by Admin - November 13, 2011 - 2,388 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Harcourt, Inc., Children's Books Division submission guidelines and market information
  • Posted by Admin - November 13, 2011 - 3,149 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Harcourt, Inc., Trade Division submission guidelines and market information
  • Posted by Admin - November 13, 2011 - 2,633 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Hard Hat News submission guidelines and market information
  • Posted by Admin - November 13, 2011 - 5,768 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Hardboiled submission guidelines and market information
  • Posted by Admin - December 3, 2013 - 1,534 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Hark! New Era Publishing submission guidelines and market information.
  • Posted by Admin - November 13, 2011 - 1,820 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Harlequin Enterprises, Ltd. submission guidelines and market information
  • Posted by Admin - November 13, 2011 - 2,398 views - 0 comments - 0 likes
    Harlequin Mills & Boon, Ltd. submission guidelines and market information