Browse Articles

  • Writing Tips for Fiction Authors

    We can imagine that it goes without saying that in order to be a great writer you need to be a great reader. Yet there are countless authors who have offered this advice and countless writers who have ignored it. Whatever genre you're in, read ...
  • Marketing Your Self-Published Book – The Author Platform

    What is an 'Author Platform'?We all have a platform, whether we realize it or not. If you have a career, children, or even a hobby, you already have a 'platform' for those things. Your platform is how you prove to other people that you're good at what ...
  • Marketing Your Self-Published Book – The Essential Basics

    I know that the stereotype for writers has been the image of the hermit who does nothing but churn-out books in his quiet cabin or house by the lake, but the reality of the new world for any self-published author is a vast deviation from that norm.
  • Publishing Your Ebook Online (Without Using Amazon)

    Just for a moment, let us suppose that Amazon's self-publishing platform doesn't exist. I know, crazy, right? Humor me for five minutes though. Amazon may very well be the largest online distributor of ebooks and digital content, but they're certainly ...
  • The Best Software for Writing a Kindle Book

    You have a great idea for a Kindle book, and no idea how to organize your thoughts and get them into a format that is Ebook-friendly. While you will still need to go through Amazon's upload process and have your book in the correct PRC format to do so,...
  • Kindle Direct Publishing, or KDP Select – Is it for you?

    Yes, another self-publishing tool from Amazon. Before we move into the pros and cons though, let's get a definition of what KDP Select is. Paraphrasing from Amazon's FAQs page for the program, Kindle Direct Publishing is one of the options Amazon offer...
  • Submitting to Amazon's Kindle Scout Program

    How to submit to Kindle Scout
  • Amazon Launches Kindle Scout

    Amazon Launches Kindle Scout
  • Debunking Some Common Self-Publishing Myths

    Debunking Some Common Self-Publishing Myths
    There are so many unreasonable things said online about aspiring writers and how they should not choose self-publishing over traditional publishing. The following are some myths which have been debunked so a...
  • 5 Things to Know Before You Self-Publish

    5 Things to Know Before You Self-Publish
    According to a popular saying, if you want to have one good idea, you got to have several ideas. Yet, even if you do manage to think up a good idea, you could fail in implementing it because of poor management ...

