Browse Articles

  • How To Set-Up Your Free WordPress Blog

    How To Set-Up Your Free WordPress BlogFor bloggers, there are several platforms on the Internet where anyone can have a free blog merely for the time it takes to register and set one up. This particular article will deal with how to set one up on WordP...
  • The Four Letter Word All Great Writers Love

    In his book On Writing Well, William Zinsser talks about the necessity of editing as a practice of the professional writer. In that sense, none of us are great writers, rather we must all learn to make it our consistent practice to edit repetitively un...
  • The Friday Five: Generating Leads or Where to Find Work as an Online Writer

    I had several conversations this week with people who are just starting out in the field of writing online and the biggest question they all had was 'where to find work.' There are glaring places that can be found using Google, and I won't insult your ...
  • How to Get Started as a Work From Home Writer

    If you are happy with the structure and procedures of your current job, and you enjoy commuting every day and your work environment, working from home might not be for you. You need to ask yourself some heartfelt questions about what it is that you mos...
  • The Friday Five - Content for SEO and Copywriting

    I thought I would make Friday the day when I offer five, specific, topic-focused pieces of information that I've used or found helpful during the week. This week, being my first week, I've chosen my topic at random. In future weeks however, I'll be pro...
  • Writing Schedules: The Non-Routine Approach

    Like almost everyone else, my weekday schedule is insane. I try to leave as much time as possible unscheduled since I did leave the 9 to 5 rat-race thing behind me several years ago and what's the point if I'm still going to work like that right?
  • 10 Excellent Ways to Beat Writer's Block: Get Unstuck and Get Writing

    If you have ever had to write something, chances are good that you've experienced writer's block. That moment when you're staring at a blank page and all of your great ideas, your careful outline, and stunning openers fly out the window. What do you do...
  • Tips for Writing and Publishing

    General Tips for Writing and Publishing
  • What Makes a Good Blog?

    The function of a blog is to inform the reader. The best way to succeed in achieving this goal is to use social media networks to promote your weekly or daily posts, to constantly strive to provide something of value to your readers, and to understand ...
  • Social Media Management - 3 Tools to Keep the Conversation Moving

    In the first half of this article, How Social Media Impacts Internet Marketing, I talked about current social media statistics and briefly outlined some of the ways that you can get involved in your own business marketing online. There are three areas ...

