Browse Articles

  • How do I submit a Kindle Single?

     Amazon's Kindle Single market is being used right now by everyone who fits the criteria for submission, but a growing body of work is attributable to big-name authors like Stephen King and others of his ilk. That's not to say that Singles are not...
  • What is a Kindle Single?

    The Kindle Single is Amazon's answer to the restrictions and limitations in traditional publishing that have held authors back for hundreds of years. The gap that once existed between short story writers and others whose work would not meet the...
  • Popular Facebook Groups and Pages for Writers

    If you're a writer and have a Facebook profile, chances are good that you're already a member of at least one writer's group. Facebook offers writers the benefit of being able to join several different groups all in one place. If you have more than one...
  • Self-Publishing – Is it for you?

    If you have done any research into self-publishing at all and haven't run screaming for the hills, you're in a great place to start learning the process – if not for your own use, at least so that you're aware of what needs to happen for a book t...
  • Copywriting – A Very Brief Summary

    What is copywriting?
    Copywriting involves any and all of the words that you read that pertain to selling, promoting, educating, and informing. It's not enough to be great at selling. As a copywriter you have to be able to inform your readers while pe...
  • Publishing Your Book - Individual v. Industrial

    The question of whether to use a traditional publishing house or one of the many self-publishing options currently available is fuel for an ongoing, though relatively new, debate. Each has the desired outcome for the author of a published book, and yet...
  • Who Do You Think You're Talking To? ~ Why Audience Matters

    Your audience makes all of the decisions. Whether you're standing in front of them or they're reading your words in print or on a computer screen, they will decide how much they read – if they pay attention at all, whether they will come back for...
  • Building a Better Blog

    I've read a lot of blogs. Some of them incredibly memorable, others only just holding my attention in passing. What I find amazing in so many instances is that there are still a lot of bloggers who fail to include some of the most basic (and important)...
  • Getting Motivated, Staying Motivated

    We all have different motivations for writing. For some the promise of a paycheck is more than enough, while for others there must be something more nudging them along. I would like to guess that fiction writers have an easier time with this aspect of ...
  • How To Rewrite a Bad Article

    Most bad articles happen because of the use of the passive voice, lack of conversational tone, and insufficient research on the topic. Determine whether you're writing in an active or a passive voice. Passive voice allows things to happen to your subje...

